3個 3.3V 5V USBからTTLコンバーターCH340G UARTシリアルアダプタモジュールSTC
This was my second order. I have had other brands that don't work with Windows 10; these do. Remember to set them to the proper voltage with the jumper. I dropped a point on quality and appearance, because the connector pin header is not aligned before it is soldered. It angles down. It is a small detail that does not effect its use, other than having to take extra care when connecting, or disconnecting them.
見た目も良くて、写真のように... 作品も! これ以上何を要求できますか... 素晴らしい製品。 私が見逃している唯一のものはマニュアルへのリンクです、私はまだ見つけることができませんでした