
Q: I need to know if I can measure the voltages at 1000 Watt sources up.

尋ねた arturaragao に 2018-07-10 10:33:06

RAVI # Yes It can Measure Volts at 1000W SMPS # ... Tested on ASUS ROG THOR 1200W SMPS... " Plug In All Connecter Pins Appropriately"

2021-12-23 10:03:39 役に立つ (0)
回答 (1)

Q: Crimpa CAT6 e CAT7???

尋ねた arturaragao に 2018-11-07 14:20:46

Taner It is not suitable for CAT6 and CAT7

2018-11-14 21:36:40 役に立つ (0)
回答 (1)