
Q: what program card works with this esc?

尋ねた LWJ に 2023-05-18 14:59:15

The seller Hello,you can buy racerstar program card,product id is 1057127

2023-05-19 00:58:02 役に立つ (0)
回答 (1)

Q: can this be mounted upside down?

尋ねた LWJ に 2021-11-06 17:22:36

ProneDilot I dont think this camera has the option to flip the image upside down. Some of the nicer caddx, runcam, and foxeer cameras have that feature, but this one does not seem to support that.

2021-11-07 06:56:33 役に立つ (2)
回答 (4)

Q: will this fit the DHK Maximus?

尋ねた BG171082123 に 2021-10-24 15:53:59

The seller No,the dimension is different,you can buy dhk original body shell,product id is 1441574

2021-10-25 22:01:02 役に立つ (0)
回答 (1)

Q: will these fit a cen reeper?

尋ねた BG171082123 に 2021-09-25 21:30:08

The seller No,these nuts are for LT series 1/5 rc cars,please provide your cen reeper car nuts dimension,then we can recommend for you

2021-09-27 21:55:54 役に立つ (0)
回答 (1)