
Arni1280 Type 2 is for electrical heating (max. 16A), it is the correct one for you. Type 3 is a set of thermostat and an external temperature sensor, it is not needed, because thermostat has always internal t... もっと見る

2022-08-25 02:17:37 役に立つ (0)
回答 (1)

Q: does this product connect to mainland China server?

尋ねた Balo142 に 2021-03-31 08:55:34

megatube.eu pravdepodobne áno , ale aj z iných lokalizácii.

2021-09-07 11:57:29 役に立つ (0)
回答 (1)

Q: hi links for gateways for these products??? thanks

尋ねた Balo142 に 2019-12-11 18:31:44

Adosculation Currently available as gateway devices: Yeelight voice assistant and Xiaomi Xiaoai smart alarm clock.

2019-12-25 20:17:29 役に立つ (0)
回答 (1)