
Q: what is the difference between this and fy6800

尋ねた mamak に 2019-06-08 00:33:31

BG451553846 I personally like the FY6900 case, however, it doesn't have the rubber feet. But the main advantage of the FY6900 is it can be powered via USB and avoid the dodgy internal mains wiring altogether. ... もっと見る

2023-07-25 16:32:33 役に立つ (0)
回答 (5)

BG121712414 itcan support laser engravers, their mosfet connected to the cooling fan port (look around for tutorials). most used firmware is marlin 2.x.

2020-12-21 11:14:23 役に立つ (0)
回答 (2)