
Q: quantos RMS ?

尋ねた wgcf に 2018-06-17 06:41:50

lgmhaggai27 irun 3 1350 watt Pioneer bass speakers off of this and have no trouble turnign them up a fair way the amp over kills the speakers it cuold do with another speaker of the same size then it woul dbe almost oerfect so yes the AMP has some mean power behind it and no i do not know the RMS rating

2021-12-02 02:59:07 役に立つ (0)
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Q: e so a pulseiras ?

尋ねた wgcf に 2017-11-27 10:53:10

Tiago Anastácio da Silva Claro... querias o relógio também por esse preço?

2018-01-26 04:22:09 役に立つ (0)
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