
Q: when it's back in EU stock ?

尋ねた erik1984 に 2019-03-14 01:32:16

Dave whenthe fat lady sings

2020-05-25 04:45:46 役に立つ (0)
回答 (1)

Q: how to configure to 10hz instead of the default 1hz ?

尋ねた erik1984 に 2020-02-02 05:43:11

Aggelos2000 Goals Enabling UBLOX7 protocol to obtain 10Hz update rate. Results UBLOX7 is configured only "randomically", most of the time the unit is configured using the standard UBLOX configuration with POSLLH instead of PVT sentence. Used Hardware: I'm testing a BN-880 GPS+GLONASS+GALILEO (3.01) on an OMNIBUS F3 board. First setup UART @115200bps UBLOX7 chosen in the configurator. Plug the battery, BN-880 start blinking at 1Hz, after seconds the buzzer kicks in. GPS ERROR (red icon) and timeouts (4) are reported in the GPS tab. INAV then reconfigures it and then the unit starts to blink faster at 5Hz and no PVT sentence enabled. At this point to simulate a warm startup, I enter CLI and let the FC reboot. Again 90% of the time PVT sentence is not configured and UBLOX at 5Hz is set. Second setup UART @57600bps UBLOX7 chosen in the configurator. With this setup the buzzer no more kicks in and 40% of the times UBLOX7 with PVT sentence is enabled on boot again with the same delay. At this point to simulate a warm startup, I enter CLI and let the FC reboot. Again 90% of the time PVT sentence is not configured and UBLOX at 5Hz is set. Tests done I've edited to code and tried to stretch the timeouts in the unit initialization and I've to say that the rate of success has increased but nevertheless this increase init time of the unit and if it happens during flight can pose a serious threat to GPS modes. Possibile "solutions" I've seen that the code d

2021-11-20 10:57:54 役に立つ (0)
回答 (2)

Q: anyone know how to activate the stobe function ?

尋ねた erik1984 に 2019-08-11 01:55:48

mneill59 Bydefault, the strobes are disabled. In the manual, look at the section on Advanced Operation. Go through the procedure of setting your parameters. If you use the ramping operation that comes with the torch by default, then you only have to set 4 parameters. The last one is strobe. Choose option 2 for 1 strobe or option 3 for all of them. Once your parameters have been set, Double click to go into turbo mode, then double click again to go into strobe. Press and hold the button for 1.2 seconds to move on to the next strobe pattern (assuming you chose option 3 above).

2019-08-12 09:02:57 役に立つ (1)
回答 (2)