
DimitrisL Sorrygia greeklish - bgazei sfalma me ellhnika Eisai ikanopoihmenos mexri stigmhs? Me ti suskeues to xrhsimopoieis, to fortizeis me solar panel? Euxaristw!

Takis Gerasimou 21/08/2021
コメント (2)

DimitrisL Sorrygia greeklish - bgazei sfalma me ellhnika Eisai ikanopoihmenos mexri stigmhs? Me ti suskeues to xrhsimopoieis, to fortizeis me solar panel? Euxaristw!

brous60 03/03/2021
コメント (1)

DimitrisL this is just mine approach, so I am also searching for an answer, but I wash it every month when I change the filter because the back fabric is itching my neck so I dunno, blame it on the dirt. I am afraid that intense washing may damage the little membranes, so I do it delicately.

2021-08-30 04:02:11 役に立つ (0)
回答 (2)

Q: y u no EU plug?

尋ねた kosherx に 2021-06-23 12:37:35

DimitrisL according to your country they send the appropriate one I got the EU

2021-06-23 01:26:30 役に立つ (0)
回答 (14)