
Q: dimensions?

尋ねた cube0712 に 2018-09-28 03:19:35

technik 6,4cmx 6,3cm

2020-08-02 12:12:00 役に立つ (0)
回答 (2)

technik Thereis just one touch button, no touchscreen. It connects via Bluetooth with my Android phone, but it doesn't synchronize with the "Lefun Health" App. Not even the correct time can be set. Really disappointing and not recommended.

2020-08-02 12:10:25 役に立つ (0)
回答 (3)

Q: Does the polarity matter on the low voltage side?

尋ねた sjaakhoofd に 2020-07-11 04:09:33

technik Yes,it does. Green is negative, red positive.

2020-08-02 11:53:14 役に立つ (2)
回答 (4)