
Peter Henderson 27/07/2020
Very pleased , quick delivery , quite well designed and roomier than I had anticipated . It is of course made from PVC , so would not withstand sharp objects or overly rough treatment but handled with reasonable care should last a reasonable length of time . As previously stated I am VERY pleased . It arrived at my door this afternoon in a very small and surprisingly lightweight box, totally undamaged , which in itself is somewhat of a gamble these days with postal services and couriers being what they are . The zip up top is simple but very effective , it really does maintain the heat for a lengthy period of time , it is currently very cold in the tiny bathroom that I have in the unit that I am in but I was very pleasantly surprised at how long it took before the water started to cool down .Actually fell asleep in the bath , owing to a failed spinal operation it has been extremely painful to have a simple shower and this bath is going to be an absolute joy . Soaking in a nice , padded , sauna type unit will do more good than any amount of botched up ops. The 3 main individual air chambers are handy , the way they are designed allows you to inflate 1 or 2 or the whole 3, which of course means that the water can be 6 inches -12 inches or the full 18 inches deep . In itself this could prove to be beneficial in a variety of ways , e.g. water conservation , safety factor for the very young or the aged /infirmed . The only con with the unit as far as I can see is the little cheap and nasty foot pump , total waste of time , I was lucky insofar as I already have an a.c. powered pump as well as a d.c. pump , either of which are dirt cheap to purchase anyway and certainly worth while getting . All in all , it is worth every cent of the purchase price . If you do not expect to get a Rolls Royce for the price of a basic bicycle than You should be more than satisfied . It is what it is and it does all that it is meant to do . I personally am 100% satisfied.
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Peter Henderson 23/04/2020
Extremely happy with this product , I applied the correctors immediately after receiving them and there was INSTANT comfort and relief from pain . They are VERY Soft , Pliable and give every indication of a reasonably long life-time .I am about to order 2 more lots followed by another two lots etc.etc. simply as insurance against the possibility of a single order being lost in the mail system , NOT Banggood's fault but an event that has to be allowed for anyway . The order that I have just received ( this one ) actually has taken very much longer than any of the many products that I have previously purchased through Banggood which is completely understandable in view of the disruption that the entire world is experiencing due to the current Pandemic. when I initially emailed Banggood to let them know that I still had not received this purchase , the response was almost immediate and very polite and helpful from a human . NOT a computer generated robotic voice ( A BIG Plus ) asking me to be patient a little longer , which I am pleased to say , I willingly agreed to do and sure enough , Linda was as good as her word , the goods did arrive hence I can have nothing but praise for Banggood and it's entire system . when one considers the enormous number of transactions they must conduct on a daily basis , world wide , it is all the more incredible A shining example to others as to how a successful business SHOULD be conducted . I am only one tiny little drop in the ocean of customers but this is one little drop that will continue to buy through Banggood . THEY have earnt that right , I have respect for ANY Company and /or any individual that honours THEIR word . Banggood AND it's people does this .I thank them all for it .
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Peter Henderson 21/09/2019
Exceeded all my expectations , I bought it to try to salvage a large number of elbow and T fittings from 25MM P.V.C. Tubing , some had been glued in strongly with Blue P.V.C. Cement , some with Hot Glue and some a combination of both . This remover is incredible , I honestly did not hold any real expectations that it would work at all . I know of no other product made that will do the job . For years I have had to resort to gently heating the unions with a map gas torch and with a lot of manual effort and a great amount of hope proceed to twist and pull ,then usually repeat this action several times , sometimes succeeding but just as often failing with the result of a warped or cracked and broken useless fitting . No more , simply apply ( very carefully and lightly ) a small amount of the substance then WAIT several minutes and more often than not it simply slides apart as it it had been oiled with the finest machine oil.. Absolutely amazing! Note of warning . DO NOT Squeeze the plastic bottle . this stuff has about the same viscosity ( maybe even less ) as alcohol and is so clear as to be almost impossible to see.I felt it running down my hands before I could even see it come out of the tube .Could not possibly recommend a product more than I recommend this one . I have handled literally 100's of these P.V.C. fittings that have been fully and firmly cemented and usually resorted to throwing them away rather than spend the time required to physically attempt to remove them with a mediocre % of success .The only thing that I could suggest be undertaken to improve sale of this product is a small amount of protective packing .Possible rough handling in transit and no packing ( even a little foam sheet wrapped around the bottle before it is put in the thin plastic bag would minimize greatly the chance of accidental damage ) The extremely low viscosity of this product would ensure it's COMPLETE loss of content should the bottle be opened to the air .WONDERFUL PRODUCT!!
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