
Q: Does runcam 5 also fit?

尋ねた yongski25 に 2019-10-04 05:06:29

boliva Runcam 5 will fit fine. Tight enough to not fall out in a crash (as I found out) Easy enough to remove the camera when you need to without damage.

2019-10-31 11:08:32 役に立つ (2)
回答 (2)

Q: Can this be used for Frsky Taranis with M3 stick size?

尋ねた dukevah に 2018-04-12 08:10:57

boliva they do fit the Taranis QX7 M3 sticks

2019-10-26 05:56:42 役に立つ (0)
回答 (3)