
Q: Can it work with a KDS K7X II transmitter?

尋ねた Empirico2009 に 2020-10-30 05:00:40

craigpmiller I'm not familiar with the KDS K7X II but a quick look through the manual suggests that they are not compatible.

2020-10-31 06:11:11 役に立つ (0)
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craigpmiller I can only point you to the English manual - Posso solo indicarti il ​​manuale inglese https usermanual.wiki JX-ROBOT-Technology S5 Hope that helps - spero che aiuti

2020-10-20 07:21:09 役に立つ (0)
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craigpmiller Yeah - the first time mine was quite stiff. The other thing is the cover only slides half way off and then lifts out, rather than sliding it all the way down. Don't force it, but it will come off. :) The USB harness? This outputs video for FPV and and can provide power from an external source, which means you don't need to use it with its battery.

2020-10-01 10:39:37 役に立つ (0)
回答 (2)