
Q: Why sended wrong ITEM! They are sended 7.4v 25C lipo

尋ねた qfreestyler に 2019-05-30 01:22:41

Lardykev And I’ve been on to complain and have today received my THIRD SET of batteries for the bugs 6. I’ve tried to explain it(with pictures) every time. Try again.

2019-12-19 04:15:34 役に立つ (0)
回答 (2)

Q: Who send to me wrong item! pls contact me asap

尋ねた qfreestyler に 2019-05-27 11:22:46

Sunny Hello, you can use" contact us" to contact banggood customer service and you will get a quickly reply: https://www.banggood.com/Contact-Us_hi111

2019-06-01 01:12:18 役に立つ (0)
回答 (1)