
BG454841535 Technically, yes, but I would very much not recommend it, they have a very low C rating and very small capacity, you should use batteries closer to the stock ones: 80C and 450mAH for lower risk of fire and longer flight times.

2021-03-30 10:02:43 役に立つ (1)
回答 (3)

Q: Will it work with a 2S 450mhm?

尋ねた frenklin89@yahoo.it に 2020-08-14 04:06:58

BG454841535 yes, but you will have to solder a different connector to the craft, probably XT30.

2021-03-30 09:55:41 役に立つ (1)
回答 (5)

Q: Does this have a microphone? Or an audio tab on the vtx?

尋ねた BG472544461 に 2020-09-16 05:16:30

BG454841535 It does not have a microphone and does not send audio to the goggles, the audio channel is used for smart audio which allows to change camera settings from a menu in the OSD.

2021-03-30 09:53:45 役に立つ (1)
回答 (3)

Q: works with fatshark attitude 6

尋ねた BG571754332 に 2021-02-19 06:53:34

BG454841535 Yes, if you have any analog FPV goggles, they can receive the FPV signal from any analog video transmitter, including the one built-in this drone.

2021-03-30 09:48:22 役に立つ (2)
回答 (3)

Q: does it have a built in receiver

尋ねた BG518182143 に 2021-02-20 02:46:16

BG454841535 Yes, a FrSky D8 mode compatible one

2021-03-30 09:46:34 役に立つ (1)
回答 (4)

Q: How many "s" can I put on that think. Can it fly with 2s?

尋ねた BG221145413 に 2021-03-26 03:27:42

BG454841535 It comes with two 1S LiPo batteries, but you need to use both of them together as one 2S battery. you could change the battery connector to a XT30 and use a single 2S battery, but no more than 2S.

2021-03-30 09:36:02 役に立つ (2)
回答 (2)

Q: how lonv does the battery last ?

尋ねた BG133715125 に 2020-09-27 06:23:46

BG454841535 in slow delicate flying, you can expect 6-7 minutes, but if you fly aggressively, it can last as little as 2 minutes. It's a very normal flight time

2021-03-30 09:29:54 役に立つ (2)
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BG454841535 I'd recommend you to look into a better radio, like the RadioMaster TX16S or Jumper T-lite (watch lots of reviews before choosing), but if you're savvy enough, you could open the radio and swap the left and right sticks. You'd then have to change the control mappings in BetaFlight. I don't have this radio, I don't know how it's made on the inside, you might have to desolder the sticks.

2021-03-30 09:26:03 役に立つ (1)
回答 (2)

BG454841535 Yes, it works out of the box. Do read the manual carefully (you'll have to scan a QR code or search on EMAX's website), stay in stability mode if you're a beginner. This quad can be used without ever connecting it to a computer, but you can also learn to use BetaFlight (computer software to change settings on the quad) when you are ready. It's not the easiest to control, but it'll grow with your ability for a long time.

2021-03-30 09:02:17 役に立つ (3)
回答 (3)