
Q: Does it work with a 3S 2200mAh bat???

尋ねた Renato Peleskei に 2021-08-06 10:17:42

BG142954122 UnfortunatelyI can't say, I haven't tried it, but as long as the voltage doesn't increase, only the ampere hours. I wouldn't see a problem in it. I myself have installed a larger battery with the same voltage but more amps in other models

2023-04-23 07:41:58 役に立つ (0)
回答 (4)

BG142954122 Hello.I only calibrated the helicopter once on the computer. Otherwise, before every start in GPS mode, if the connection is green, I pull the left stick down to the left and the right stick down to the right at the same time. Then the GPS light flashes briefly and when it stops flashing again, it is calibrated.

2023-04-23 07:37:40 役に立つ (0)
回答 (2)

Q: czy da się go jakoś skalibrować?

尋ねた BG365011146 に 2023-04-09 08:03:55

BG142954122 Hasnot been delivered until now, I've been waiting since 06.03.2023

2023-04-15 07:28:01 役に立つ (0)
回答 (1)

BG142954122 Ichwarte auch schon so lange...43 Tage! Wobei meine Bestellung schon als abgeschlossen angezeigt wird...Ich habe aber nix erhalten

2023-03-18 04:27:47 役に立つ (0)
回答 (1)