
Q: Does this battery fit for Emax TinyHawk II?

尋ねた Marco に 2020-10-22 02:35:53

ricbent Notas it is. The default TinyHawk II comes with 2x PH2.0 connectors. If you don't want to replace connectors buy 1S 450mah cells with PH2.0 connectors. If you want slightly better performance replace the connector on your TinyHawk with a XT30 connector and buy 2S 450mah batteries with the same plugs.

2020-10-25 01:15:21 役に立つ (0)
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ricbent Iwould use a different antenna. These are very short and you are not able to bend them 902 so that they point upwards. There are longer Aomway clover antennas but I would get an antenna with a 902 connector at the bottom.

2019-10-08 07:02:14 役に立つ (0)
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ricbent No,there are two spots in the case but if you try to put the canera into the more uptilt spot you will probably break either the camera pcb or the plastic.

2019-10-08 06:57:42 役に立つ (0)
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Q: Are these as poorly made as the stock motors?

尋ねた dudeman に 2019-09-17 08:55:31

ricbent They are exactly the same motors (which makes sense for replacement parts)

2019-09-29 12:41:45 役に立つ (0)
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bent Youshould not use these with an original Tinyhawk. It only does 1S. The Tinyhawk S and Freestyle will work with these though.

2019-09-08 01:38:19 役に立つ (0)
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Q: The tinyhawk freestyle comes only in Frsky??

尋ねた john.graboski に 2019-08-28 08:14:35

bent Yes,but you can easily add any receiver you want. The pads for SBUS and power are exposed very well. For iBUS there is an open RX pad available too.

2019-09-08 01:37:06 役に立つ (0)
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Q: ibus version? no everyone like frsky!

尋ねた kahuna_fpv に 2019-08-08 12:41:41

bent There are nice solder pads for a external receivers. I recommend the FS-RX2A Pro V1.

2019-08-08 03:31:52 役に立つ (2)
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