
Q: The camera can be used by rj45 without wifi?

尋ねた BartoLaci に 2024-07-08 03:24:09

Maskdar The security camera can be connected via Wifi, or RJ45 cable to router via RJ45 without NVR . Our camera also support Ap hotspot conection,which don't requies any network. (AP mode requires no more than 10 meter distance)

2024-07-10 04:41:09 役に立つ (1)
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Q: como fazer o reset do receptor?

尋ねた saullus に 2024-06-18 12:37:23

Saudade Check manual http://myosuploads3.banggood.com/products/20240620/20240620035139SKUK37429GodoxWECKit1UserManual.pdf

2024-06-20 03:52:21 役に立つ (0)
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Q: What cloud service does the camera use? Is there a monthly fee?

尋ねた Gustavo に 2024-06-03 12:50:28

KatyKaty You can purchase cloud services on the icsee APP, and pay about a few dollars per month.

2024-06-12 08:01:59 役に立つ (0)
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