
claude101 franchementc'etait pas brillant de le commander si vous connaissez pas les standard electrique

BG138504723 07/09/2021
コメント (2)

BG047131714 Standard half inch Iron Pipe Thread connection. No remote activation.

2020-12-15 08:21:41 役に立つ (0)
回答 (1)

claude101 they is intermitent pb. when mesuring consumption without load it should be less then 50ma .i have many of those i have some that consume up to 15ma (for the internal led) and i have other one which consume up to 700ma and this is the 5volt lm1117 regulator (this is the one who will be hot )sometime the same unit wil pull 20ma.. it seem not reliable on 4 unit i have 3 defect . i have bought the white version which is ok

Atonomis 05/05/2017
コメント (2)