
ThomasHeiss Youare giving a great micro CP heli (excellent FBL with a 3G mode which is pretty direct on the stick) only a 2-star rating only because you are not able to consult RC forums like Helifreak.com or Rcgroups.com how to bind a transmitter to this BNF heli? Wow, I am speechless. A RTF transmitter shall come prebound according to other heli pilots. Maybe you have chosen the wrong model number?!? I agree, that the manual is mainly written in Chinglish, but other pilots often put more readable English instructions in the K110 threads of these two big RC forums. You may want to contact a LHS or visit a club and ask experienced RC/heli pilots how to do it. Maybe your next review shall reflect how crashbombproof this little K110 heli really is, that it has a 1s main brushless (outrunner) motor and that the FBL works pretty good. Tail hold is good, even better for inverted and backwards-inverted stuff on the longer K120 tail prop. The rating shall reflect what is all included (external 1s ESC) and that the flying experience is quite nice (I have the former K110 heli without the s). The cyclic servos can handle crashes much better than I have ever expected, especially if you do not bomb it into concrete or a hard floor / trail path. This Xk BL heli (has only a brushed tail) deserves more than only two starts!

BG464924181 16/04/2022
コメント (2)

ThomasHeiss Cannotcomment if the BL tail motor or ESC is defective. But if you crash a heli of that weight and a main blade breaks it very likely has damaged the feathering shaft (spindle) in the blade holders. I do not own Scale 4-rotor blade FBL heads so I am not aware how the head is constructed internally. But check the exploded diagram and see if you can replace anything like a spindle. Normally a main shaft gets bent easily on a crash, even if the heli has much less weight. Personally I do think that the tail gyro on the FC might have got affected by vibrations not correctly driving the BL tail motor. Besides FBL controller and ESC make sure that you do not see any vibrations which might affect the 3-axis or 6-axis chip sensors on the FC and also that the tail gyro is not affected badly. Have you already checked/changed the tail rotor that it is not bent and aligns vertically when you spin it by hand? Are you sure that the one replaced main blade has a similar weight and CG like the other three? On other helis you normally have to balance the blades. Cannot know for sure how this is for this Scale heli and e.g. plastic main blades. But it may be a good idea to replace all four main blades from a new package or at least change the one defective main blade with another one (sometimes even blades from other vendors come out of the plastic bag bent, with difference weight or out of balance, or with a different CG). This will greatly generate some imbalance on the head and may affect the flight controller (FC).

BG483932181 04/09/2022
コメント (1)

ThomasHeiss Itis a Flybarless head. The three cyclic servos are controlled by the FBL unit (flight controller FC). The FBL does all the 120X/1ab24

Markes12344 24/06/2023
Not gunna give this a bad review, but will warn. Remote Settings LEAVE ON 90deg Swash Plate., technically this helicopter is 120deg and there is a setting for it. But I'm currently in need of a new helicopter after switching this setting. It took off hard backwards and to the right, clipped a hydro line I was otherwise clear of, and grenaded. First few flights leaving remote stock it was worth every penny. i just didn't like my throttle control, it seemed to be either climbing, or dropping outa the ski. So that's when i started playing with the remote settings, adjusted the throttle curve to suit, flew fantastic, but then thought i'd get more performance by telling the remote this helicopters actually a 120deg swash plate. Bad idea... overall its an extremely realistic helicopter. will flat out eat the wind and not even blink, has definitely enough power and technology to make flying easy enough for novice flyers. Certainly more of a scale RC than a toy RC. Even tho the manual has a well detailed parts diagram at the back you can't find them anywhere via part number, tho I can get most of the parts to fix this off Bangood, but cannot find the Fuselage set 2.32.01.E200-29 if I can find this part, I believe i'd be able to have it back together brand-new. oh and i guess the Tail Wing too, that's mia after crash. overall glad this still part support for this helicopter will help keep it going in the long run. just wish i can find the store that sells all the parts. OVERALL fantastic helicopter, definitely wouldn't think twice about buying it, if you prefer realism flying.
コメント (6)

Q: Is it compatible with the Futaba T6K because it has T-FHSS?

尋ねた BG124833950 に 2020-10-14 01:50:40

ThomasHeiss T-FHSS (incl. telemetry) is a different protocol than S-FHSS. But the T6K seems to also support S-FHSS according to a Ripmax product subscription.

2023-07-31 04:09:23 役に立つ (0)
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Q: Will a spectrum dx8 bind with this? Dsmx?

尋ねた BG551283363 に 2021-07-06 09:40:26

ThomasHeiss Futaba had a very old (first) protocol also called "FHSS". It's outdated. They have 4 more protocols which one is called "S-FHSS". A Futaba transmitter needs to be carefully checked what protocols the firmware supports. AFAIK some TXes were on FASST or T-FHSS or FASSTest but not necessarily S-FHSS. Newer Futaba transmitters may support 4 protocols at the same time, if you are lucky.

2023-07-31 04:07:11 役に立つ (0)
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Q: Is the xk 110 without transmitter equipped with receiver?

尋ねた saren に 2021-08-28 11:29:50

ThomasHeiss S-Fhss. There is no (S-)THSS (Futaba as an additional protocol called T-FHSS which stands for telemetry but which is **not** related to the K110 and won't work).

2023-07-31 04:01:42 役に立つ (0)
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Q: Hello, can work with Omphobby M2 EXP?

尋ねた Afrovenator に 2021-08-18 02:53:35

ThomasHeiss I would say you can, why not?! This XK X6 or Eachine E6 RTF transmitter uses the Futaba S-FHSS protocol. You can plug in a separate (serial) receiver (small, only 1.5 grams) into a dedicated RX port on the M2 Explore, like the OSHM2055. With that receiver your M2 will talk the same Futaba S-FHSS protocol. So the TX will be compatible to the RX. With the internal receiver on the M2 board (OMP protocol) with the wire antenna however you can't do much.

2023-07-31 03:26:05 役に立つ (0)
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ThomasHeiss I wouldn't recommend it to try a look with the K110.The 1s brushless (outrunner) main motor is a bit weak.This means it has not enough force to pull through the loop easily.What better works: To do a half loop and to keep flying inverted at the 12 o'clock position. That way you have less crash damage. What also works nicely: Inverted flying, inverted-backwards, funnels, flips to inverted (tail holds great).I doubt it that you will manage it with a FULL loop even if you may move the throttle up from 85% to 100%.I have calibrated the K110 ESC which means I have now much more throttle power available on my -100..0.. 100 scale with the Walkera Devo 10 and a NineEagles external S-FHSS module. You can directly hear and feel it.In the upper throttle range of this 1s ESC you will not notice much power difference.But not doing the ESC calibration means not to be able to set up the right throttle values from your TX.If you strongly want to go for 3d and loops: Find a more powerful 2s-3s micro CP heli.

2023-07-31 03:17:37 役に立つ (2)
回答 (4)

ThomasHeiss Isomehow understand your frustration. I have some experience with BG with RC heli hobby or parts. Basically their electronic shop (logictics, displaying informations in real time) is not up-to-date, many times displays WRONG stock information and sometimes your order just gets cancelled after having waited for multiple weeks; still have not received four lipos from my K110 set package and also have not got the difference in money (BNF with lipos vs BNF-only) back when the articleid was switched with support (chat). Want one example how a Chinese company vendor manages it professionally? I ordered directly this week from Xiaomi.com/de website (NL European subsidary) during summer sale, in the evening it was picked by DHL express and at the !!!NEXT DAY!!! I received it already over Hamburg-Kassel-to my city (over 700km away from HH) in the next morning. Less than 48 hours. This makes fun. All in good condition. I can even call Xioami Europe (Germany or Netherlands) office directly by phone and talk in German (or proper English). If I had not seen the price reduction for the Redmi Note 10 Pro from their summer sale online, I would have went to 3-4 big electronic shops here in my city who have it available, do a little verification upfront and take it with me home. I will probably continue with BG and heli parts if my local DE dealer has not something available, but I know that I have to be very patient and order multiple times. Also it is quite important what order option you choose (Air means by ground = very slow). Direct mail / European import to NL also works quite good from BG to Germany within 7-10 days, if the order goes through. Can't imagine if something is damaged on a smarthone (too much electronic, sensible USB-C plugs, lipo,..) potentially what pain we'd have to go through their BG chat support where they ask for photos/videos and where chat logs simply are ignored if you send support requests. Try to find an advanced English speaker. Good luck.

Tsarouxas 01/07/2021
コメント (4)

ThomasHeiss Isomehow understand your frustration. I have some experience with BG with RC heli hobby or parts. Basically their electronic shop (logictics, displaying informations in real time) is not up-to-date, many times displays WRONG stock information and sometimes your order just gets cancelled after having waited for multiple weeks; still have not received four lipos from my K110 set package and also have not got the difference in money (BNF with lipos vs BNF-only) back when the articleid was switched with support (chat). Want one example how a Chinese company vendor manages it professionally? I ordered directly this week from Xiaomi.com/de website (NL European subsidary) during summer sale, in the evening it was picked by DHL express and at the !!!NEXT DAY!!! I received it already over Hamburg-Kassel-to my city (over 700km away from HH) in the next morning. Less than 48 hours. This makes fun. All in good condition. I can even call Xioami Europe (Germany or Netherlands) office directly by phone and talk in German (or proper English). If I had not seen the price reduction for the Redmi Note 10 Pro from their summer sale online, I would have went to 3-4 big electronic shops here in my city who have it available, do a little verification upfront and take it with me home. I will probably continue with BG and heli parts if my local DE dealer has not something available, but I know that I have to be very patient and order multiple times. Also it is quite important what order option you choose (Air means by ground = very slow). Direct mail / European import to NL also works quite good from BG to Germany within 7-10 days, if the order goes through. Can't imagine if something is damaged on a smarthone (too much electronic, sensible USB-C plugs, lipo,..) potentially what pain we'd have to go through their BG chat support where they ask for photos/videos and where chat logs simply are ignored if you send support requests. Try to find an advanced English speaker. Good luck.

BG524815494 16/06/2021
コメント (2)

Q: hallo muss ich mit Zollgebühren nach Deutschland rechnen?

尋ねた niels.voigt8 に 2019-04-14 04:25:14

ThomasHeiss Ich hab es noch nicht bei 300+ EUR Produkten ausprobiert. Am besten fährt man aber mit "Priority Direct Mail" (=DHL Direktversand China nach D innerhalb von ca. 7 Tagen) oder mit "Eu Priorityline" (Import von China nach NL über Händler, Versand NL nach D innerhalb von ca. 10 Tagen). Mit "Registered Air Mail" sollte man das definitiv NICHT machen; das ist der reguläre und langsame China Post Weg und dort wird viel vom Zoll über 23EUR (=19% Einfuhrumsatzsteuer bzw. >120EUR Zollgebühren) abgefangen. Es gibt eine Option bei BG wo man den Versandweg bei günstigeren Produkten extra "versichern" kann. Angeblich kann man dann gegen Nachweis sich die Umsatzsteuer/Zollgebühren von BG zurückerstatten lassen; naja, wer's glaubt.

2019-10-16 04:39:50 役に立つ (0)
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ThomasHeiss The images on this kit clearly show that it is NOT FBL! The "FBL" done by BG in the title is completely wrong!! It is a FLYBAR model and has paddles (90 degree, real collective pitch) and a paddle cage. Check the included pictures of the rotor head. A "simple" transmitter (TX) is not enough to fly this model!!! You need to have a better computer TX with a display which supports manual CCPM 120 mixing (3 cyclic servos) including servo subtrim and adjustment of servo travel (min/max per ELEV/AIL and PIT channel). Additionally you need a gyro for the tail which does not control the head. There are other heli models from KDS which are truly flybarless (only two main blades, missing helper paddles) but which require an more expensive FBL unit.

2019-10-06 02:14:01 役に立つ (4)
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Q: kann man diesen auch mit dem Sender vom wltoys v977 steuern ?

尋ねた koi2002 に 2018-11-14 05:51:02

ThomasHeiss Es steht zwar auf allen XK K110 boards: "V977R-V5 bzw. V977R-V6". Allerdings: Die Marke XK Innovations verwendet bei den Helis (K100, K110, K123, K124, K120, K130,...) das Futaba S-FHSS Protokoll. Der ältere Wltoys V977 verwendet laut DeviationTX.com Supported Models Liste - unterstützt durch ein NRF24L01 HF-Modul - das KN Protokoll. Also passt der RTF Sender vom Wltoys V977 nicht zum K110. Kauft Euch lieber eine JumperTX (mit 4-in-1 HF-Modul), Walkera Devo 10 (mit zusätzlichem 4-in-1 steckbarem HF-Modul, lediglich 3 Kabel sind für die 3 weiteren HF-Modul intern am Mainboard + HF-Modul anzulöten) oder eine Taranis mit einem externem Modul für den Graupner JR Schacht. OpenTX kann seit V2.2/V2.3 (oder so ähnlich) die HF-Module seriell ansteuern. Mit dem RTF Sender Kram, die noch nicht einmal einen Timer haben, tut ihr Euch meines Erachtens keinen Gefallen. Das trifft leider auch auf den XK X6 Sender zu: Hat keinen Timer!!

2019-09-03 05:13:47 役に立つ (1)
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ThomasHeiss AFAIU all XK models K100, K110, K123, K124 use Futaba S-FHSS. The RTF transmitters (without a timer) are the XK X6. So yes, theoretically it should work. Have you tried it already? If you want to use a timer, get a Walkera Devo10 with a 4-in-1 HF modul instead of the RTF transmitter.

2019-09-03 05:04:12 役に立つ (0)
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ThomasHeiss Can you do any protocol find tuning for the CC2500 / S-FHSS protocol? Have you tried it again meanwhile with a different multiprotocol modul or other transmitter? Sorry, I am not using a Taranis.... I ordered the K110 in February and got in April 2019. The board shows V5 (I was having an issue with the 6G mode and really heavy drift back!). My new K110 BNF order shows V6 on the receiver board. I am using the old Robbe Generallink NineEagle S-FHSS modul NE480193 (rarely available because it is discontinued) with the Devo10 and it works great with V5. It also bound successfully to the new V6 board version. Only the internal lipo and USB charger gets a little bit on my nerves for the long-term....so I will try to switch to an internal 4-in-1 if I have time. Does the the V6 receiver board work any better for you?? Maybe you want to get a Walkera Devo 10 with a 4-in-1 multiprotocol (plug in for CYRF6936, solder 3 separate wires for the other 3 HF modules).

2019-09-03 05:01:41 役に立つ (1)
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