
morelandemri 23/07/2019
When i purcchased these step sticks I needed something that would work, have documentation, at least a datasheet for crying out loud. They sent me one v2, three v2.1s, when what i had purchased was all 2.0s. And let me promise you, the 2.1 is not an upgrade. I was able to get the 2.0 working in minutes, while the 2.1s were terribly more difficult to switch over to UART mode because your soldering together two surface mount resistors, not a pad and a resistor as it is on the 2.0. Anyone who has ever soldered jack shit before knows that if you try to solder directly on top of resistors, they like to move around off of their pads. COUPLE THAT WITH THE FACT THE THE TMC CHIP IS LITERALLY A MILLIMETER AWAY FROM THE TWO RESISTORS, and you have a part which is built to fail. After 3 days of rewriting firmware, just so that I could do a review on these chips and describe the installation process, I find myself with only two working 2.1s and the 2.0. To put it mildly, I'm quite pissed. Especially after paying for rush shipping and still waiting 10 days to receive some tiny ass poorly packaged microchips. Oh, and the Stallguard. Don't let them fool you into thinking these are SG ready either, because you will have to find some pins, double length preferably, just to solder those in to the proper holes (the two outermost ones in the triangle) so that you can get the StallGuard signal in the first place. They don't send pins. They send you a metal screwdriver, which if I didn't know better I'd have used and shorted out my 2209s before I ever got anywhere with them. This was my first banggood purchase. My only banggood purchase, unless they make this right and send me another Driver. I don't guess it matters what model number now, because after spending 70$ American to get a matching driver set, I have a variety of 2209 flavors on here already. NOT EVEN A DATASHEET. IN EXISTENCE.
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