
Q: Can SmartAudio be used to change the frequency or power through OSD?

尋ねた chriscrowley に 2018-09-18 11:56:53

galamdring the smart audio is just referring to the fact that this unit sends audio as well as video.

2022-03-02 07:50:11 役に立つ (0)
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Q: Is the motor brushless?

尋ねた chriscrowley に 2017-12-19 11:39:39

BG232316526 нет

2022-01-20 10:43:24 役に立つ (0)
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Q: Do they fit the QX7?

尋ねた chriscrowley に 2018-06-02 04:45:55

BG121621548 ممتاز

2021-08-25 07:34:07 役に立つ (0)
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Q: What's this frame's size?

尋ねた chriscrowley に 2017-12-01 11:03:02

BG356224708 65mm

2020-11-13 12:08:03 役に立つ (0)
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Q: What does "without connector" mean?

尋ねた chriscrowley に 2017-12-14 02:12:03

PurryFPV You need to solder

2020-02-29 05:23:35 役に立つ (0)
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Robertha Yes, you will need FTDI board (it is USB to UART interface) and connect it to UART1 on Omnibus - then you will be able to connect to the board same as with usb connector. However during config never turn off MSP messages on UART1 as after that you will not be able to connect anymore.

2020-02-01 12:06:28 役に立つ (0)
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donaldsneffe The new ones I got with a E013 set came with connectors.

2020-01-02 08:10:45 役に立つ (0)
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