
Nikolaj Dombrow fixed at 433, the decode ic used here is rather dumb and just wants a messafe of the right format... matching encode chip is the PT2262 or HX2262

2020-09-27 07:13:42 役に立つ (1)
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Q: Is there a way to make the movie only show once rather than looping?

尋ねた fire41fighter に 2020-03-19 05:12:23

Mcoluc Insert card, computer can directly upload video, one key upload, one key play.

2020-04-07 06:16:56 役に立つ (0)
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Bansil May be you can send an email to cservice@banggood.com to contact the banggood customer service team.

2020-03-26 01:19:06 役に立つ (0)
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