
Q: does this come with remote?

尋ねた DirectorGSmith に 2023-03-21 07:26:50

BG168147150 It depends on what you choose. RTF (Ready To Fly) version is with radio control (remote), but BNF (Bind & Fly) version comes without.

2023-03-21 12:56:39 役に立つ (2)
回答 (1)

BG168147150 It’s a small battery case for each “battery”, in which they put the battery itself. So you can easily open the case and replace the battery when doesn’t work properly or if you want a bigger battery capacity. You won’t need a special battery to fit this drone, you could use any 3.7V battery on the market.

BG168147150 17/01/2023
コメント (4)

Q: Do you think it will fly with a gopro8??

尋ねた BG221715553 に 2023-01-20 04:18:29

BG168147150 It says that the take-off weight is 93g. You may struggle over this

2023-01-20 07:59:43 役に立つ (0)
回答 (4)