
Q: berapa besar beban yg bisa d topang ?? (Kg)

尋ねた Uman Hadi に 2021-01-11 03:14:21

BG124432381 Tidaklebih dari 0,5 (kg)

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Q: Can I use a 15000MW laser with this machine?

尋ねた BG350481743 に 2020-06-05 15:16:37

BG124432381 Ibelieved 15w laser head is too big and heavy for this light machine. I suggest < 2W.

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Q: does the control board support pen or ttl also

尋ねた Franko に 2020-06-24 02:44:40

BG124432381 Youhave an option to buy pen attachment for holding a pen.

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