
Q: is it already uploaded with the latest version of micronucleas?

尋ねた BG141237183 に 2021-07-10 15:30:41

Yassine_Seghrouchni I didn't receive them yet but if you counter any issue with the bootloader you can reflash the bootloader with the latest nucleus firmware from github-micronucleus

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Q: how do I program this

尋ねた TWYT に 2019-12-05 09:20:57

Yassine_Seghrouchni you can't program the mcu through isp you will need an avr programmer to do so

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Q: how much amps until it blows

尋ねた edkk に 2019-06-20 05:20:14

Yassine_Seghrouchni P = U*I so if your voltage = 5V it will blow up for I = 0.25:5 which is 50mA

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