
Q: Will this camera work with eWeLink app?

尋ねた awezeman に 2021-01-24 12:37:11

salvo No, the camera has a dedicated app for both android and windows systems - V380 pro -

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salvo Yes, you can record on your hard disk, just select it in the options offered by the V380 program for pc

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Q: Does the camera vidéo record 24/7?

尋ねた Muratpaşa に 2020-02-12 12:44:29

salvo Yes,you can do this by inserting a fairly large memory card, or by recording to your PC or phone via the V380 app

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Q: battery are included?

尋ねた emanueleisaia に 2020-04-09 05:48:26

salvo yes,the battery is internal and is recharged with sunlight

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