
Q: How can i binding with D16?

尋ねた rct88jh に 2019-07-12 19:57:18

XTreM3 I got D16 mode to work, try: Connect via Betaflight Configurator, on the left side go into "Confiiguration" tab, then find the "Receiver" box and select "FRSKY_X" in the "SPI Bus Receiver Provider" dropdown (far at the bottom). Don't forget to hit "Save and Reboot". Then you can bind it like you normally would do :-) Use "FRSKY_X_LBT" in the dropdown when you are on EU LBT firmware on your Trasmitter.

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Q: Can i bind lbt transmitter ??

尋ねた kerembp06 に 2019-07-20 13:09:35

XTreM3 It also works for D16 Mode with LBT firmwarer, not just D8: Connect via Betaflight Configurator, on the left side go into "Confiiguration" tab, then find the "Receiver" box and select "FRSKY_X_LBT" in the "SPI Bus Receiver Provider" dropdown (far at the bottom). Don't forget to hit "Save and Reboot". Then you can bind it like you normally would do :-)

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Q: Can I flash a eu lbt firmware on this to use it in D16 (EU LBT) ?

尋ねた JonasArnold に 2019-07-28 05:33:49

XTreM3 You do not have to re-flash it, but have to configure it in Betaflight Configurator to get it working! Connect via Betaflight Configurator, on the left side go into "Confiiguration" tab, then find the "Receiver" box and select "FRSKY_X_LBT" in the "SPI Bus Receiver Provider" dropdown (far at the bottom). Don't forget to hit "Save and Reboot". Then you can bind it like you normally would do :-)

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