
Q: Can I add support in Hebrew to the keyboard and how?

尋ねた nadavedel に 2019-12-08 16:36:27

Ritchie721 I presume you would add the keyboard language driver for the OS on the device the keyboard is linked to via Bluetooth. So if you wanted a Hebrew keyboard on your smart phone you would add the Android or Apple Hebrew keyboard as an option on your phone and select the keyboard.

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Q: is it work on ps4

尋ねた Karan Kaltari に 2019-01-03 01:16:06

Ritchie721 I never got this cable to work. It is an analogue signal to a digital signal or visa versa. You need a powered AD or DA converter between the two ends, it is usually a USB micro USB into the converter to power the converter. You have to be careful to get the correct cable for the Input and output. AD is not the same as DA.

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