
Q: Is it 25 T ?

尋ねた Bongokarlgmx に 2019-02-01 10:23:36

nelsters_12 yes

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Q: can use with life 2s 6.6volt

尋ねた hilmi に 2018-07-01 22:30:32

nelsters_12 they are rated to 6.0 volt fully charged about 7.3 is your limit without cursing last time damage to the servo so I would urge you to stick with the recommendations on the spec sheet

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Q: are these servos good for rc plane

尋ねた lorna9311 に 2018-04-16 08:12:42

nelsters_12 I have been putting 6221 in models for the last year and find them to be excellent value for money don't be put of by negative feedback

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