
Q: I need ( xinlehong Q903 ) HS code

尋ねた BG194643144 に 2021-07-28 22:55:43

BG180419211 You are really not intelligent

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Q: can it use 3s-4s battery?

尋ねた BG210565053 に 2021-06-27 13:23:18

BG180419211 3s you can but it may get warm and slow down if u rip it too much... it won't blow though not that esc it has something that keeps it from blowing

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BG180419211 I use 4s every time I run it and it goes 57kph and has way to much torque

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Q: how many kmh does this rc truck can do?

尋ねた BG127161140 に 2020-10-09 19:30:20

BG180419211 32kph on 2s 45kph on 3s and 57kph on 4s and 60 percent throttle will wheelie it and 70 percent will flip it out the gate

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