
Q: Does this receiver work on the Goosky RS4 (Transmitter TX16S)

尋ねた BG145081089 に 2023-07-16 08:51:40

coolcat_ Has no idea. If it works with D16 FrSky protocol it will work.

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coolcat_ I use it only for metal bearings, wouldn't suggest to use it with metal-plastic differentials. Maybe silicon oil would be better.

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Q: como coloco o vtx na potência máxima ?

尋ねた LéoKamon に 2022-01-28 17:03:46

coolcat_ You should push the power button (closer to the MMCX socket) till it get Purple lite. it will be the max power

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Q: which should i plug into my goggles, LHCP or RCHP?

尋ねた alfbeedholm に 2018-11-13 11:24:26

coolcat_ It depends on witch You are using with Your VTX. Always the same type in VTX and VRX.

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