
Q: welche sprachen sind verfügbar ?

尋ねた Toni Schönlechner に 2021-07-29 00:17:04

BG101533910 depends on fw . but if not misstaken its quite optional i believe. especially if running opentx

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Q: how is it fed? Do you need a battery?

尋ねた BG040505715 に 2021-07-19 06:23:19

BG101533910 connect it to powerboard. Both vtx and camera can be connected separately or you can connect vtx to vcc pad and let vtx feed to cams. suprisingly ok quality

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BG101533910 connectad to correct uart? and seriell rx aktive under ports. after its done go to config and chose seriell rx and sbus. save and reboot.

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