
Q: What are the dimensions of the battery?

尋ねた BG345101314 に 2021-06-04 09:22:24

BG414854143 Примерно 115x74x40

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Q: can i use this esc for 2200-2500 kVA motors?

尋ねた ujjwal.king に 2018-11-04 00:41:43

BG414854143 After 1800 kVA potentially unsynchronization is possible.

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Q: Will these work on a quad? What protocols do they support?

尋ねた garciawj に 2020-09-06 18:24:46

BG414854143 It’s not set up, isn’t support actual protocols. Really old item. For quad is better holybro 32 f3 35A BLHeli_32

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