
Q: Can I use it with Arduino CNC shield?

尋ねた FRANCIS に 2020-12-26 22:07:16

logrythm I believe so. I'm using something similar; eleksmaker. Same connections. I only attached TTL signal, not the 12v with it, as the laser has its own power supply.

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Q: Can I cut and engrave from the same laser module?

尋ねた BG384212910 に 2020-11-15 11:43:37

logrythm Sure, no reason why not. Cutting generally uses higher power setting and slower travel-speed than for engraving, and maybe multiple passes. Depending on the material of course. But not "30 passes" lol. Always ensure the focus 'dot' is as small as possible.

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logrythm Do you mean "nano" board I wonder? I'm using an Eleksmaker board too, flashed to 1.1e (using T2Laser software). I think it would work with a nano board as all these other boards are basically copies of arduino technology. They are all speaking the same 'language' to the laser; that is "TTL". This laser has it's own 12v power supply for connecting to it's handy little board, so I only used the two TTL signal wires coming from the eleksmaker to connect to it, leaving out the 12v one. The fan only runs when laser is warm so I needed to use an extra 12v fan for 'air assist' to remove smoke for proper laser operation.

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Q: Can you also cut plants with this laser? If so, at what speed?

尋ねた ulpigo に 2020-10-22 09:51:17

logrythm Not sure what to say apart from do what I do; experiment with power and speed because every material is different and surprisingly so sometimes.

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