Geekcreit® NodeMcu Lua WIFI インターネット オブ シングス 開発ボード ESP8266 CP2102 ワイヤレスモジュールをベースにしています
I have the currently z.Z. Current Arduino IDE downloaded (runs however probably from 1.6.5) and me the driver for the chipset installed. For Settings -> Additional Bords Manager URLs Http:// enter. In the Borard selection in the list above, the board manger start. In the search bar you then enter ESP and select the driver. Finished. Maybe restart again.
Although this is designed to act as a sort of Node.js type server, what's great about it is that drivers exist so this can be programmed via the Arduino IDE. I've got mine connecting to my wifi network and pulling down my YouTube statistics which it displays on a little LED panel. Very inexpensive and easy to put together