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Banggoodでの%sのトップポジティブレビュー, Banggoodで最も安い価格で最高の%sを購入してください。購入する前に、%sの最も役立つ肯定的なレビューを参照してください。, rcおもちゃ、楽しいスポーツ、ファッション、人気のある電子機器
Laurie 31/10/2019
This one is a winner. I wouldn't have believed that a good stabilisation system could make a plane like this so easy to fly. Unfortunately it seems to be only available in Mode 2, and I am a Mode 1 flyer, so I have only used the Beginner and Intermediate options at this stage. I am hoping that the protocol it uses will eventually become available on the Jumper or iRangeX multi protocol module so I can fly it with my Taranis QX7.
コメント (15)
  • hawkneverflyaway do you mean you fly right hand throttle?

    返信 31/01/2020
  • bikinidan On your multi protocol module radio select Volantex V761 protocol. It is available on newer firmware versions or update your old version.

    返信 31/01/2020
  • Nobby @bikinidan Thanks for that ...Norman

    返信 21/07/2020
  • christiandammann1998 yes, the eachine f22 and the little red cessna also fly with the 761 protocol. i think this one should also. as bikinidan says

    返信 30/08/2020
  • pappasggr Hello . I don’t understand you got eachine aircraft but the transmitter is volantex?

    返信 03/09/2020
  • Laurie @hawkneverflyaway Yes, Mode 1.

    返信 17/09/2020
  • Laurie @bikinidan Yes, I'm now doing that, and I'm happy flying it with my Taranis. It is also possible to convert the stock transmitter to Mode 1, but not easy and requires soldering.

    返信 17/09/2020
  • Laurie @WannaDuino No, it's Volantex 761, V761 on multiprotocol modules

    返信 17/09/2020
  • BG191147521 How long is the delivery time to Korea and the quality of the plane? How is it? How long is the battery life?

    返信 19/09/2020
  • Laurie @bikinidan Thanks - have now updated the firmware on my Jumper 4in1 module and am flying this plane with my Taranis.

    返信 24/09/2020
  • Laurie @hawkneverflyaway Yes

    返信 24/09/2020
  • Laurie @pappasggr Yes, it seems that the Eachine plane is a rebranding of a plane that was originally from Volantex.

    返信 24/09/2020
  • BG145753238 wow i just bought mine went to u tube ive heard nothing but good things about this plane cant wait to get mine at the end of october an fly it also have a edf jet on order the f-14 buti still have to purchase the radio an receiver for it i think it needs 6 channels this is differnt for me because i only have experince with cars

    返信 30/09/2020
  • BG554033356 Why youre akku had only 360mAH ...NOT 400MAh?

    返信 29/09/2022
  • Laurie @hawkneverflyaway Yes,with aileron also on the right stick and elevator and rudder on the left.

    返信 09/11/2024
