D1 Mini用のDHT22シングルバスデジタル温湿度センサーシールド
WEMOS D1 Mini用温度センサ、折りたたみ、比較的正確
2 temperature sensors shields came in anti-static separate bags. all rolled-up in a thick piece of paper foam, sealed with tape. in short: appropriate package for the content. shippment took about 2 weeks to deliver (to France) in Feb 2017. no issue. Items are conform to order. with various 'legs' sizes to be soldered on the shields. They are much smaller than expected (even though I expected small pieces). This is good for the sensors. I am waiting for the Wemos ESP8266 to arrive so that I can plug everything together and start monitoring home temperature both on OLED screen shield and Domoticz web application. See sensor pictures attached.