5個のGeekcreit® HC-12 433MHz SI4438ワイヤレスシリアルモジュール ワイヤレストランシーバトランスミッションシリアル通信データボード リモート 1000M
i already use this module to communicate more arduinos togheter, the interface is simple and with perfect line of sight i can communicate with included antenna for around 1.5Km. using internal in a house is perfect for this and with hight baudrate bidirectional. for external usage is good but data trasmitted is low and latency is around 2 seconds, really useful to lanch command to a remote machine. some useful information and command can be found here https://www.elecrow.com/download/HC-12.pdf http://avrproject.ru/112/rf_hc12/2016-01-14_122335_HC-12_v2.3B.pdf attached here is some test of distance
通常よりも少し長い回数はcovid の原因ですが、常に非常に許容されます 説明によると、すべての罪は、残りの優れた接触の行ではない