5個のGeekcreit DFPlayer Mini MP3プレーヤーモジュール MP3音声オーディオデコーダーボード TFカードU-Disk IO/シリアルポート/ADのサポート
Adding sound to small 'Arduino' projects has for me always been a pain, not only to programme with but also they tend to be quite big. This is a tinly little unit. which is really cool. Also it is dead easy to get it to make sound. You only need power, a speeker and a spare jumper wire to get this working. Not only can it be controlled by using simple logic control pulling a pin low to get it to play next file, but there are a tonne of extra functions you can control via a pretty simple serial interface. It was so easy to get going it took only 5min of research and 2min of plugging in. Simples! Also there is some quite a bit of documentation on the web and you tube. A bit of google-foo and your away. It makes a great experiance when there is documentation avaialbe. Packaging was soft packing, but the pins are foam protected and all mine arrived safe and sound.