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MastaH 27/03/2020
I used it for the RC conversion of the 35cm glider into a pitcheron. I operate the servos with the CM410X receiver (ID: 1127110) on a 1S lipo. Works perfect.
コメント (3)
  • ravindu99 used motor size?

    返信 20/10/2020
  • MastaH @ravindu99 I used 8520 racerstar motor to keep things simple. But this motor is very heavy and you get a temperature problem. Then I added a cooler. You might find some pictures, when you look for my other reviews. I think I will convert it to brushless. I have a old mobula 7 brushless motor. This should have enough power and is much much lighter.

    返信 28/10/2020
  • SmileOnion Whichautopilot/ESC do you use?

    返信 26/04/2021
