
BG551754615 exactly, NO means normally open, so if no power on, COM -or here N1 is connected to the NC (normally closed) Pin. If power is on, it will directly switch to L1 and after off and the delay back to L2...at least that's how it should work

2020-03-13 01:08:34 役に立つ (0)
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Q: translation to English of table text

尋ねた indicoast に 2019-12-30 02:32:43

diann Chcem sa spýtať, či po zapojení napätia je prúd na kontakte L1, a po vypnutí ( teda po uplynutí času 10 min. ) bude napätie na kontakte L1 ? Pretože by som potreboval niečo také.

2020-02-12 12:56:06 役に立つ (0)
回答 (2)