
Q: Design stolen from thingiverse ;D

尋ねた Tappotuoppi に 2018-08-17 03:07:16

Animeboynz yeah... I've also printed a few of these... Thingiverse models is free to use for individuals and not for commercial use

2019-10-08 12:27:54 役に立つ (0)
回答 (3)

Q: hmmmm.....karearea toa clone?

尋ねた yusufseward に 2018-11-23 05:45:58

Tappotuoppi nope, not even close. toe is a clone.

2018-11-24 05:47:27 役に立つ (0)
回答 (12)

Q: does the vtx support smartaudio/tramp protocol?

尋ねた KyleMcCarthy に 2018-04-24 09:59:50

Tappotuoppi It uses IRC Tramp protocol trough UART3. Its internally wired to UART3

2018-05-30 10:38:54 役に立つ (4)
回答 (2)