
Q: Do you have 50mm width?

尋ねた animalector に 2019-05-28 05:27:31

Juan No, they don't have that size. You can search for different sizes, but there is another Nickel Foil, of 0.3mm x 100mm x 200mm

2020-03-23 03:51:54 役に立つ (0)
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Juan Max voltaje to measure in A.C. for "Hz" or "%" is 750v. But, if you are afraid of damaging your multimeter, just get your meter close with the "Hz" selection, to the voltage source you want to measure, or touch your voltage source with only one lead of your meter on the Hz selection. Try it, it will work. Make sure to use the correct test probes to protect your self from high voltaje.

2020-03-23 03:46:12 役に立つ (0)
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Juan It's not two times "Hz", one is "Hz" and other is "%", they are different. Max voltaje to measure in A.C. for "Hz" or "%" is 750v. But, if you are afraid of damaging your multimeter, just get your meter close with the Hz selection, to the voltage source you want to measure, or touch your voltage source with only one lead of your meter on the Hz selection. Try it, it will work. Make sure to use the correct test probes to protect your self from high voltaje.

2020-03-23 03:44:42 役に立つ (1)
回答 (2)

juanluisor Que bien paisano. Olle, eso de 3 baterías a que se refiere? Son baterías de repuesto para cuando una de ellas se descarga? O se pueden poner todas juntas? Cuanto tiempo dura en vuelo? Tu con cuantas baterías lo compraste?

Pablo Rodriguez 03/12/2019
コメント (2)