
Q: Does the network is also available in the Philippines?

尋ねた Macky に 2019-07-26 10:29:49

BangoodCS don'tknow... but this phone is not cool, has a lot of bugs...

2022-02-08 10:03:13 役に立つ (0)
回答 (2)

Q: Esse produto é novo e original?

尋ねた BG332521162 に 2020-06-06 01:48:40

BangoodCS sim original, , mas no aconselho comprar por este site... as encomendas perdem-se e esperam-se meses at que algum resolva ...

2022-02-08 09:53:13 役に立つ (0)
回答 (2)

Q: da onde vem o produto? se eu for taxado , qual o valor aproximado?

尋ねた BG241145315 に 2022-01-20 07:23:56

BangoodCS o valor apresentado já inclui as taxas alfandegárias, mas alerto que se a encomenda se perder como acontece... eles não devolvem as taxas alfandegárias, mas apenas o valor do produtio

2022-01-21 11:59:56 役に立つ (0)
回答 (1)

Q: when are arriving this merchandising yo Chile?

尋ねた BG122113355 に 2020-10-18 03:41:16

BGCS you can see in the order what is the expected dat to deliver, but if the roder is stucked... buy buy order... way many months to resolve the issue

2022-01-13 05:23:18 役に立つ (0)
回答 (2)

Q: How can it Ionize air when air is a gas and cannot be ionized?

尋ねた Tomsi に 2022-01-12 06:50:51

BGCS maybe better ask a specialized oerson

2022-01-13 05:22:37 役に立つ (0)
回答 (3)