
Q: is deze ook voor 24V ?

尋ねた EVERSSEPUT に 2021-01-15 04:43:13

Sekzi Hi, if you look on the unit it clearly says: dc 12-14v, so this will most likely not work for 24v

2022-04-14 05:17:51 役に立つ (0)
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Q: Hi, does anyone know if these will work on the Traxxas Stampede 4x4 vxl?

尋ねた Kevin Van Der Merwe に 2020-08-17 05:06:05

gionpagare no non vanno bene ho rotto la campana dove tiene dentro la scatola del differenziale,sconsiglio vivamente 😨😨

2022-02-17 07:58:50 役に立つ (0)
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Q: not include polishers mechine?

尋ねた SU775190 に 2021-10-24 10:46:02

Sekzi It is very misleading, however there are 2 options, the cheap one is just for the accessories and the 2nd one is for the complete kit with the machine. I think it's in very bad taste when they operate like this.

2021-10-30 02:59:28 役に立つ (0)
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Rafim As for motors: 1.3650 means the motor diameter is 36mm,length is 50mm.3665 means the motor diameter is 36mm,length is 65mm 2.The shaft diameter can see the picture and details. 3.If the motor shaft diameter,voltage,current is the same with your old motor,the motor can use with your car. 4.The KV number is more higher,means this motor is better for crawler rc car.The drift rc car or high speed rc car should use the lower KV motor. You need to measure your motor and buy a new one.

2021-03-31 01:43:22 役に立つ (1)
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