
BG141237183 check you tube tutorials. Huge amount available. Most of them are excellent. I am interfacing with attiny85. works as required.

2022-03-11 04:38:38 役に立つ (0)
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Q: Incluye el disco duro?....de que capacidad es?

尋ねた Alfred19 に 2021-05-17 09:11:26

Irredenta Does not include hard drive ,1 SATA(Up to 4TB)

2021-05-27 05:38:56 役に立つ (0)
回答 (1)

st00 yes you can leave it recording without the app just put In your sd card but using the V380 Pro App THATS FREE is excellent it can be downloaded on to the laptop or phone set it to email alert & motion censor so when movements are caught by the camera 📷 it will follow the moves if watevets In the cams view

2021-05-10 04:25:09 役に立つ (0)
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Alfred19 Porel momento, a mi no me ha funcionado con las tarjetas de México, he probado de pre-pago y contrato y sigo sin hacerlo funcionar, no se a que se deba, hay muy poca o nada de información aquí para saber como hacerlo funcionar, su mentado video no sirve para nada.

2021-05-04 01:06:29 役に立つ (0)
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