
BG451657103 The only review. Thank you! 😍👍

tmzco 19/10/2024
This appears to be a parallel fed dual butterfly antenna design. It's omnidirectional and receives like crazy. Low noise also. This works better than expected on 80m and 40m. I did have trouble loading up on 10 MHz, 28 MHz, and 51 MHz, although it received well everywhere. It is always difficult to get a good photo of a wire/whip antenna since it is small, and that same reason, low wind load, is what makes it stay upright during a windy day. And I did my first testing here in Florida just after Milton, and had zero problems setting it up and using it. Cautions are: when opening and closing telescoping sections, be careful. It is thin-wall, as it needs to bend and flex, and I guess that it can be damaged easily by careless takedown. I'd recommend that you use some silicon spray or similar the first time you take it down. The base that the whips and the wires connect to is very solid and when it is staked down, it will stay put. Another concern is this: if you plan to use it on 40m or 80m, it will probably be after dark, and be sure that you don't have the possibility for someone to stumble into it at night. This could be a problem at Field Day, for example. For performance, it was impressive. I was using my 100w IC-7100 in my truck and fed the antenna with a 50 ft coax. I made several quick contacts with POTA stations on 20m voice, then went to 40m CW and made a few quick contacts. I tested SWR on 80m and it was good and low, but no one was on. I went to 17m and made a couple more, both on CW and SSB. I tested the other bands but did not make more contacts. My next test will be to transmit with FT8 and look at the map to see who is hearing me. I expect to be impressed again. My review is 5/5 stars as there is nothing wrong with this antenna! (I am a US Extra Class ham with 55+ years on the air.)
コメント (2)

BG451657103 Szia, nagyon profik a review-id! 😍 Te milyen áramforrással táplálod az LZ1AQ-t? 5-12V van ráírva, de több teszt szerint is 12V sok neki, melegszik. Thnx 👍

Kerteszradio 18/04/2024
コメント (4)