
Q: Hi! 6-pin connector on pcb, what is it for?

尋ねた krivov に 2017-12-09 03:48:58

SeanTheITGuy pwm1,2,4,3,5v,gnd. could be run to a 4in1 esc.

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Q: Can I use for aeroplanes?

尋ねた PRaj に 2021-08-17 03:59:41

SeanTheITGuy You would need a flight controller in your plane. The receivers have no PWM outputs, so you couldn't hook it directly to servos and ESCs. If you have a flight controller, then yes.

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Q: could you make that device work as a wifi range extender?

尋ねた angelnonis に 2020-10-12 05:17:58

SeanTheITGuy Yes, using the project esp_wifi_repeater (on github) you could use this as a wifi range extender. It's just an esp8266 board that's been customized for this one "testing" purpose, but you could use it for any 8266 project.

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SeanTheITGuy The information is not correct. There is no button. This unit is configurable through smartaudio only, which makes it sort of a pain to use. It's meant to be a pre-assembled part with a tiny board camera, hence the tiny, poorly labelled solder pads.

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Q: Supported propellers ?

尋ねた nandudkar に 2019-03-17 11:12:57

SeanTheITGuy They have an M6 thread, the CW has a 8.5mm shaft, and the CCW has a 7mm shaft. They are a little odd for props, and I have taken to boring out the hub of old props I had on hand to fit. These motors are spares for the Xiaomi 4k camera drone, so any props meant for that should work.

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SeanTheITGuy It's not super tidy of a soldering job, but yes, the capacitors are all tied in parallel as they are acting in two banks to be filtering caps. They could have used a single larger cap per side, but the form factor and size restrictions of the device limit that ability.

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SeanTheITGuy I would never trust the BEC built into an flight controller. Use a PDB with purpose built BEC circuitry, and run your flight controller and IMU sensors from that. If you do that, VBAT is irrelevant.

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