
Q: Is there anyone else working on 110V? Where can I buy the wires?

尋ねた prusinol に 2019-11-24 18:28:37

Tatra Donot buy this if you do not add 40amp breaker dedicated 220-240v with proper guage otherwise you'll burn your house down. Ask an electrician, should cost around $250 or so in material depending length etc.

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Tatra Assume its not, based on the disassembly videos/modifications and the pictures they supply at the store then the Answer is no. Buy yourself the proper length and guage based on amperage which is apparently 16 amps from the device and can up to 20 . Buy a quality plug with a fuse, 50amp plug is what I own and ground it yourself. Make sure you have free breaker slots to be dedicated for your 220-240v. Buy a 40amp 2p breaker with the proper length and guage. Google that, charts and calcs out there. Again ask your local electrician, do not do it yourself. There's much more that needs work on then the grounding. It works regardless but I hear your concern. All these mini welders are similar in every way, its the materials that usually make them unique. I regret buying this, don't accidentally buy this for 110v. yt replace code watch?v=TWRgly

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Q: is this 60hz freq.

尋ねた BG441864001 に 2020-02-21 05:13:13

Tatra Yesand works on 50hz as well. Do not try 110v-120v if anyone from NA is reading this, a reminder not to make the same mistake as me ;)

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Q: Hello, is it suitable for fractal wood burning ??

尋ねた BG424952842 に 2020-07-08 13:00:23

Tatra You shouldn't have any problem with that. That being said, the size of the rod and amperage all varies results. This is 220v for 220v-240v outlets. Do not try 110v, if you need more questions on that feel free to open up another question so you don't burn your houses down.

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Q: What amperage does it work with 100% cycle?

尋ねた BG415543421 に 2020-08-22 20:52:31

Tatra Different amperage on single phase and 3 phase. No specifics details are given and recommended if going 100% it would be on 3 phase not using a cheap welder. Also almost everyone is testing it at half amperage so 200a is estimated around 100a, I would test your welder for proper readings first.

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Q: Does it have "Hot Start" ?

尋ねた danielristov に 2020-02-14 12:44:31

BG365412411 There is a modification adding a soft start pcb, also made it fit perfectly fine so should not be a problem.

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BG365412411 I'm from Canada so basically same as USA. I seen youtube videos of that, I'll see what I can do. Might hire a ceritified Electrician.

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