
Q: Would this work on a Eachine e013 whoop?

尋ねた BG918139112 に 2021-03-01 21:53:21

discord I think the e013 has ph1.25 connectors. These have ph2.0. You would have to change the pigtail on your whoop.

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Q: Want to create a 12v battery pack what will I need?

尋ねた Zirk Roarty に 2020-08-21 00:49:32

discord A dc-dc step down module and-or a bms.

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Q: can I add dji fpv system ? do I require an additional flight controller ?

尋ねた Jason Bradley に 2020-10-11 06:04:41

discord You will need a flight controller to use the dji controller, otherwise just use a pwm reciever of your choice.

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Q: can I use aio bord

尋ねた Obaid111 に 2020-09-05 05:21:25

discord Yes, the canopy holes are 26x26

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Q: will this fit a 20x20 on the canopy holes?

尋ねた smokedchicken に 2019-09-10 06:40:54

discord No, the canopy holes are 26x26 for a toothpick aio.

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